We have compiled research about UVC application on greens for your ease of access and understanding.
We have compiled research about UVC and E. coli for your ease of access and understanding.
We have compiled research about UVC and Salmonella for your ease of access and understanding.
We have compiled research about UVC and Listeria for your ease of access and understanding.
UVC has long been used for disinfection. Its effectiveness is based on several important factors. Learn what these are and how to make UVC work best for you.
UVC has long been used for disinfection. Its effectiveness is based on several important factors. Learn what these are and how to make UVC work best for you.
The Katana is a versatile tool for every stage of the cannabis journey. Learn how its powerful germicidal UVC disinfection can support your operations.
Powdery mildew and bud rot can be effectively destroyed by UVC. But do you understand UVC dosage and application to successfully do so?
Bud rot (Botrytis cinerea) is a necrotrophic fungus. Meaning it kills the living cells of its host so it can…
Battling Bud Rot (Botrytis) Powdery mildew gets a lot of conversational air time in the cannabis world. And like powdery…